English, Chapter-1 The Swing, Chapter-2 A Memorable Picnic, Chapter-3 Walnuts and Watermelons, Chapter-4 A Message from The Sea, Chapter-5 Megha-The Tiny Droplet, Chapter-6 The Pine Tree and The Fairy, Chapter-7 What Goes Round Comes Around, Chapter-8 A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed, Mathematics, Chapter-1 Numbers Upto 999, Chapter-2 Ordinal Numbers, Chapter-3 Addition, Chapter-4 Subtraction, Chapter-5 Multiplication, Chapter-6 Division, Chapter-7 Shapes Around, Environmental Studies, Chapter-1 I Am Growing Up, Chapter-2 Family Also Grows, Chapter-3 A House to Live in, Chapter-4 Community Helpers, Chapter-5 Clothes We Wear, Chapter-6 Our Country, Chapter-7 Our Festivals, Chapter-8 Means of Transport, Chapter-9 Means of Communication, General Knowledge, Chapter-1 Me and My Family, Chapter-2 Inside My Body, Chapter-3 Food On My Plate, Chapter-4 In My Neighbourhood, Chapter-5 A House to Live In, Chapter-6 Needs Or Wants, Chapter-1 Mind Your Manners, Brain Gym, The Wise Owl Speaks, Story Time (Don’t Be A Trouble), Chapter-8 My Country India, Chapter-9 Our Famous Monuments, Chapter-10 Our Great Leaders, Chapter-11 Festivals of India, Chapter-12 Our Republic Day Quiz, Chapter-13 Famous Indians, Chapter-14 Our Traditional Dresses, Chapter-15 Save Paper—Save Trees, Brain Gym, The Wise Owl Speaks, Test Paper
My Ultimate Semester Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. The books cover core subjects–English, Mathematics, EVS / Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, and are written in such a way as to ensure a 360° development in learners.