Fastrack Book Series
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Fastrack to Computer Applications-9 (Code-165) [Gur Das Kapur & Sons (P) Ltd. ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175691155 PRICE : ₹ 600
UNIT 1: BASICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYChapter-1 Computer BasicsChapter-2 Computer System OrganizationChapter-3 Computer SoftwareChapter-4 Working with the Operating SystemChapter-5 Networking Basics & MultimediaChapter-6 Internet in Our LifeUNIT 2: CYBER SAFETYChapter-7 Cyber SafetyUNIT 3: OFFICE TOOLSChapter-8 Microsoft Word – A Word ProcessorChapter-9 MS PowerPoint – A Presentation ToolChapter-10 MS Excel – A Spreadsheet ToolUNIT 4: SCRATCHChapter-11 Programming in ScratchChapter-12 Introduction to Python ProgrammingCompetency Based QuestionsSample Test PapersNational Cyber Olympiad,
Description :
Fastrack To Computer Applications is our humble effort to provide a quality learning tool to the school students, to help them leap into the next generation computing applications and technologies while grounding their feet solidly into the basics. Books 9 and 10 of the series have been made taking into account the latest guidelines issued by the NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, NCF (National Curriculum Framework) 2023 and the latest syllabus as prescribed by the CBSE for “Computer Applications (Code No. 165)” for Classes IX and X.
Fastrack to Computer Applications-10 (Code-165) [Gur Das Kapur & Sons (P) Ltd. ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9788175691162 PRICE : ₹ 500
UNIT: NETWORKINGChapter-1 Internet BasicsChapter-2 Services on the InternetUNIT: HTMLChapter-3 HTML BasicsChapter-4 Advanced HTML IChapter-5 Advanced HTML II (With CSS)UNIT: CYBER ETHICSChapter-6 Cyber EthicsCompetency Based QuestionsSample Question PapersNational Cyber Olympiad – Practice Paper
Description :
Fastrack To Computer Applications is our humble effort to provide a quality learning tool to the school students, to help them leap into the next generation computing applications and technologies while grounding their feet solidly into the basics. Books 9 and 10 of the series have been made taking into account the latest guidelines issued by the NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, NCF (National Curriculum Framework) 2023 and the latest syllabus as prescribed by the CBSE for “Computer Applications (Code No. 165)” for Classes IX and X.
Fastrack Book - 9 (Army Edition) [Navdeep Publications ]
Description :
Fastrack to computers is our humble effort to provide a quality learning tool to the students of Army Public Schools, to help them leap into the next generation computing applications and technologies while grounding their feet solidly into the basics. Some of the key features of this series are: -Books have been made strictly in accordance with the syllabus and guidelines laid down by the Faculty Development Research Centre, a unit of Army Welfare Education Society. -The series presents latest trends and introduces the computer parts with reference to their functions in the overall working of the computer. -The contents have been kept simple and lucid. Sections like Remember and Fact File provide useful additional information to the students. -The contents and applications have been taught simply with illustrations and Screenshots to help the students learn the subject on their own. -The various social and ethical issues arising out of the widespread use and proliferation of IT have been dealt with comprehensively in a thought provoking manner. -Enough exercises, projects and lab activities are provided for Formative and Summative assessment as per the CCE guidelines. -Troubleshooting Tips! Given towards the end of the book, aid and encourage the students to solve common hardware and software related problems on their own. -A brief overview of the Windows 7 and Office 2010 allows children to have a glimpse of the latest trends and technologies. -Glossary of terms at the end of the books serves as a quick reference manual for the students.
Fastrack Book - 10 (Army Edition) [Navdeep Publications ]
Description :
Fastrack to computers is our humble effort to provide a quality learning tool to the students of Army Public Schools, to help them leap into the next generation computing applications and technologies while grounding their feet solidly into the basics. Some of the key features of this series are: -Books have been made strictly in accordance with the syllabus and guidelines laid down by the Faculty Development Research Centre, a unit of Army Welfare Education Society. -The series presents latest trends and introduces the computer parts with reference to their functions in the overall working of the computer. -The contents have been kept simple and lucid. Sections like Remember and Fact File provide useful additional information to the students. -The contents and applications have been taught simply with illustrations and Screenshots to help the students learn the subject on their own. -The various social and ethical issues arising out of the widespread use and proliferation of IT have been dealt with comprehensively in a thought provoking manner. -Enough exercises, projects and lab activities are provided for Formative and Summative assessment as per the CCE guidelines. -Troubleshooting Tips! Given towards the end of the book, aid and encourage the students to solve common hardware and software related problems on their own. -A brief overview of the Windows 7 and Office 2010 allows children to have a glimpse of the latest trends and technologies. -Glossary of terms at the end of the books serves as a quick reference manual for the students.