AI Books

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The Brain Game-9 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9789388651905 PRICE : ₹ 595
PART - A: EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSUnit 1: Communication Skills-IChapter-1 Communication and Communication MethodsChapter-2 Basic Writing SkillsUnit 2: Self-Management Skills-IChapter-3 Self ManagementChapter-4 Self-ConfidenceUnit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-IChapter-5 ICT in Daily LifeChapter-6 Components of a Computer SystemChapter-7 Basic Computer OperationsChapter-8 Communication and NetworkingUnit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-IChapter-9 Basics of EntrepreneurshipUnit 5: Green Skills-IChapter-10 Environment and Resource ConservationPART - B: SUBJECT SPECIFIC SKILLSUnit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)Chapter-11 Knowing the AIChapter-12 AI DomainsChapter-13 Social Development GoalsChapter-14 AI Bias and EthicsUnit 2: AI Project CycleChapter-15 Introduction to AI Project CycleUnit 3: Neural NetworkChapter-16 Neural NetworksUnit 4: Introduction to PythonChapter-17 Introduction to Python LanguageChapter-18 Writing Programs in PythonChapter-19 Control Flow in PythonChapter-20 Python ListsPART - C: PRACTICAL WORK AND PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONPractical WorkUnit 4: Introduction to PythonPractical WorkPractical ExaminationViva VocePART - D: PROJECT WORK/ FIELD VISIT/ STUDENT PORTFOLIOProject WorkField VisitStudent PortfolioFun ZoneWorksheetsUseful Videos to WatchGlossary
Description :
It is our responsibility to help students of information technology to develop an understanding of AI early. This is all the more important as at the pace at which AI is developing, by the time these students enter their professional fields, AI will be omnipresent. Keeping this in mind, we at Navdeep Publications have come out with the 'Artificial Intelligence Books for classes 9 and 10 entitled 'The Brain Game'. These books covers a comprehensive range of AI-related topics that students of classes 9th and 10th need to be made aware of. Strictly adhering to the syllabus defined by the CBSE—Code 417, these books have been developed in such as a way that students not only develop skills related to Artificial Intelligence but also enjoy their journey into this fascinating world.
The Brain Game-10 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9789388651912 PRICE : ₹ 595
PART - A: EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSUnit 1: Communication Skills-IIChapter-1 Methods of CommunicationChapter-2 Communication Cycle and Importance of FeedbackChapter-3 Barriers in CommunicationChapter-4 Writing SkillsUnit 2: Self-Management Skills-IIChapter-5 Stress ManagementChapter-6 Ability to Work IndependentlyUnit 3: ICT Skills-IIChapter-7 Basic Computer OperationsChapter-8 Care and Maintenance of a ComputerUnit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-IIChapter-9 Role and Importance of EntrepreneurshipUnit 5: Green Skills-IIChapter-10 Sustainable DevelopmentPART - B: SUBJECT SPECIFIC SKILLSUnit 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)Chapter-11 Introduction to AIUnit 2: AI Project CycleChapter-12 AI Project CycleUnit 3: Advance PythonChapter-13 Advance PythonUnit 4: Data ScienceChapter-14 Data ScienceUnit 5: Computer VisionChapter-15 Computer VisionUnit 6: Natural Language ProcessingChapter-16 Natural Language ProcessingUnit 7: EvaluationChapter-17 Model EvaluationPART- C: Practical Work and Practical ExaminationPART- D: Practical Work/Field Visit/Student PortfolioBrain Storming SectionWorksheetsUseful Videos to WatchPractical File GuideGlossary
Description :
It is our responsibility to help students of information technology to develop an understanding of AI early. This is all the more important as at the pace at which AI is developing, by the time these students enter their professional fields, AI will be omnipresent. Keeping this in mind, we at Navdeep Publications have come out with the 'Artificial Intelligence Books for classes 9 and 10 entitled 'The Brain Game'. These books covers a comprehensive range of AI-related topics that students of classes 9th and 10th need to be made aware of. Strictly adhering to the syllabus defined by the CBSE—Code 417, these books have been developed in such as a way that students not only develop skills related to Artificial Intelligence but also enjoy their journey into this fascinating world.
Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence-6 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9789393515179 PRICE : ₹ 285
Chapter-1 Introduction to AIChapter-2 Applications of AIChapter-3 About CV and NLPChapter-4 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and AIAI Experiment GamesWorksheetsFascinating Uses of AIViva QuestionsGlossary
Description :
The Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence series for classes 6, 7 and 8 includes a list of AI-based learning and projects which apply the AI concepts taught. We hope that institutions will be able to make the required progress in the AI curriculum as suggested by NEP 2021 with the help of the different books of the Simple Dose Series.
Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence-7 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9789393515186 PRICE : ₹ 300
Chapter-1 Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceChapter-2 Gamify DataCV and NLPChapter-3 AI Ethics and AI BiasChapter-4 Machine Learning and Deep LearningProject-Creating a ChatbotWorksheetsViva QuestionsGlossary
Description :
The Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence series for classes 6, 7 and 8 includes a list of AI-based learning and projects which apply the AI concepts taught. We hope that institutions will be able to make the required progress in the AI curriculum as suggested by NEP 2021 with the help of the different books of the Simple Dose Series.
Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence-8 [Navdeep Publications ]
ISBN NUMBER : 9789393515001 PRICE : ₹ 335
Chapter-1 Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceChapter-2 AI DomainsChapter-3 Social Development GoalsChapter-4 AI Bias and EthicsWorksheetsQuiz QuestionsUseful Videos to WatchGlossarySample Paper
Description :
The Simple Dose of Artificial Intelligence series for classes 6, 7 and 8 includes a list of AI-based learning and projects which apply the AI concepts taught. We hope that institutions will be able to make the required progress in the AI curriculum as suggested by NEP 2021 with the help of the different books of the Simple Dose Series.