My Amazing Book of Maps

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My Amazing Book of Maps-6 [Navdeep Publications ]

ISBN NUMBER : 9788175692831 PRICE : ₹ 300

General Information
1. Globe and Maps
2. Constellations
Phases of the Moon and Solar System
3. Latitudes and Longitudes
4. Grid of Parallels and Meridians
5. Important Latitudes and Heat Zones
6. Realms of the Earth
7. Longitude and Time
8. Rotation of the Earth
9. Revolution of the Earth and the Seasons
10. World : Continents and Oceans
11. World : Mountain Ranges
12. India : Neighbouring Countries
Glossary (From page 8 to page 29)
Worksheet – 1
13. India : Political
14. India : Physical
15. India : Physiographic Regions
16. India : Major Mountains
17. India : South-West Monsoon
18. India : Retreating Monsoon
19. India : Temperature (Winter Season)
20. India : Temperature (Summer Season)
21. India : Annual Rainfall
22. India : Natural Vegetation
23. India : Wildlife
Glossary (From page 32 to page 53)
Worksheet – 2
Test Paper – 1
24. India : Sites of the Early Man
25. India : The Indus Valley Civilisation
26. India : The Vedic Age
27. India : The Mahajanapadas
Glossary (From page 56 to page 63)
Worksheet – 3
28. India : The Mauryan Empire
29. India : In Second Century A.D.
30. India : The Gupta Empire
31. India : The Kingdom of Harsha
32. Peninsular India (320–800 A.D.)
33. India’s Contact with the World
Glossary (From page 66 to page 75)
Worksheet – 4
Test Paper – 2
Practice Maps

Description :

My Amazing Book of Maps series is based on the latest prescribed curriculum of the Social scineces. The Series covers relevant and contemporary topics prescribed in the Social Scinece Textbooks of Classes 6th to 10th. Maps are an absolute necessary tool of a geographer. He needs them to understans events, facts and environmental themes. Today, maps have become absolutely essential not only for the study of Geography but also for other disciplines. Map reading will make children familiar, better informed and more disciplined students of tommorow. The series has been updated as per the NCF 2023.

My Amazing Book of Maps-7 [Navdeep Publications ]

ISBN NUMBER : 9788175692848 PRICE : ₹ 325

General Information
1. Components of the Natural Environment
2. Interior of the Earth
3. Rocks and Minerals
4. Changing Landforms
5. The Rock Cycle
6. World : Volcanic Regions
Earthquake Belts and Lava Plateaus
7. The Structure of the Atmosphere
8. Permanent Pressure Belts
9. World : Major Water Bodies
10. World : Ocean’s Salinity and Temperature
11. World : Ocean Currents
12. World : Natural Vegetation
Glossary (From page 14 to page 35)
Worksheet – I
13. World : Major Rail Routes
14. World : Major Air and Sea Routes
15. World : Major Grasslands
16. Tropical Regions : Amazon Basin (South America)
17. Sub-Tropical Regions : Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin (India)
18. World : Hot and Cold Deserts
19. Temperate Regions—Prairies (North America)
20. Temperate Regions—High Veld (Africa)
21. Hot Desert : Sahara (Africa)
22. Cold Desert : Ladakh (India)
Glossary (From page 38 to page 57)
Worksheet – II
Test Paper – I
23. India : AD 700 – AD 1200
24. India : Empire of Ghori (AD 1173 – AD 1206)
25. India : Delhi Sultanate in AD 1236
26. India : Empire of Ala-Ud-Din Khalji (1296 – 1316 AD)
27. India : Empire of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (1320 – 1413 AD)
28. India : Lodhi Empire (1451 – 1526 AD)
29. India : Late 14th and Early 15th Century AD
30. India : Empire of Sher Shah Suri (1540–1545 AD)
Glossary (From page 60 to page 75)
Worksheet – III
31. India : Mughal Empire — Akbar
32. India : Forts
Palaces and Other Buildings
33. India : Temple
Towns and Pilgrimage Centers
34. India : Some of the Major Indian Tribes
35. India : The Bhakti Saints and the Regions Associated with Them
36. India : Centres of Regional Culture (Paintings)
37. 18th Century : Political Formation
38. India : Marathas in the 18th Century
39. India : Mughal Empire (Aurangzeb)
40. India : Marathas In 1680 A.D.
Glossary (From page 78 to page 93)
Worksheet – IV
Test Paper – II

Description :

My Amazing Book of Maps series is based on the latest prescribed curriculum of the Social scineces. The Series covers relevant and contemporary topics prescribed in the Social Scinece Textbooks of Classes 6th to 10th. Maps are an absolute necessary tool of a geographer. He needs them to understans events, facts and environmental themes. Today, maps have become absolutely essential not only for the study of Geography but also for other disciplines. Map reading will make children familiar, better informed and more disciplined students of tommorow. The series has been updated as per the NCF 2023.

My Amazing Book of Maps-8 [Navdeep Publications ]

ISBN NUMBER : 9788175692855 PRICE : ₹ 325

General Information
1. World : Major Land Use
2. India : Main Soil Types
3. World : Means of Irrigation
4. World : Minerals –I
5. World : Minerals –II
6. World : Major Coalfields
7. World : Major Oilfields
8. India : Minerals –I
9. India : Minerals –II
10. World : Arable Land
11. World : Types of Forests
12. World : Major Grasslands
13. World : Main Types of Agriculture
14. India : Power Resources-I
15. India : Power Resources-II
16. India : Hydel Power Projects
Glossary (From page 8 to page 35)
Worksheet – 1
17. World : Crops – I
18. World : Crops – II
19. World : Crops – III
20. World : Crops – IV
21. World : Crops – V
22. World : Crops – VI
23. India : Crops – I
24. India : Crops – II
25. India : Crops – III
26. India : Crops – IV
27. India : Crops – V
28. India : Crops – VI
29. World : Major Industrial Regions
30. World : Iron and Steel Industry
31. World : Textile Industry
32. World : Information and Technology
33. World : Density of Population
34. India : Industrial Regions
35. India : Iron and Steel Industry
36. India : Cotton Textile Industry
37. India : Growth of Population
38. India : Sex Ratio 2011
39. India : Effective Literacy Rate-2001-2011
40. World : Earthquake Belts
41. India : Seismic Zones
42. India : Flood Prone Areas
43. India : Drought Prone Areas
44. India : Cyclones
Glossary (From page 38 to page 71)
Worksheet – 2
Test Paper – 1
45. Routes to India in the Eighteenth Century
46. India : 1705 AD – European Companies
47. India : 1765 AD
48. Location of Some Tribal Groups in India
49. India : Main Centres of Revolt 1857 AD
50. Main Weaving Centres in late 18th Century
Glossary (From page 74 to page 85)
Worksheet – 3
51. India : Centres of Religious and Social Reform Movements
52. Important Centres of National Movements (1905-1947)
53. Indian Provinces and Princely States before 14 August
54. India : The Making of Linguistic States
55. Indian States in 1975
Glossary (From page 88 to page 97)
Worksheet – 4
Test Paper – 2
Practice Map

Description :

My Amazing Book of Maps series is based on the latest prescribed curriculum of the Social scineces. The Series covers relevant and contemporary topics prescribed in the Social Scinece Textbooks of Classes 6th to 10th. Maps are an absolute necessary tool of a geographer. He needs them to understans events, facts and environmental themes. Today, maps have become absolutely essential not only for the study of Geography but also for other disciplines. Map reading will make children familiar, better informed and more disciplined students of tommorow. The series has been updated as per the NCF 2023.

My Amazing Book of Maps-9 [Navdeep Publications ]

ISBN NUMBER : 9788175692862 PRICE : ₹ 335

1. Location of India in the World
2. India : Extent and Standard Meridian
3. India : International Highway of Trade and Commerce
4. India and the Neighbouring Countries
5. India : Political Divisions
6. Major Plates of the Earth's Crust
7. India : Physical Divisions
8. India : Physical Features
9. India : Mountain Ranges
10. India : Rivers and Lakes
11. India : River Basins
12. India : Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure – January
13. India : Average Rainfall – January
14. India : Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure – April
15. India : Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure – July
16. India : Onset of Monsoon
17. India : Average Rainfall – July
18. India : Seasonal Rainfall (June–September)
19. India : Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure – October
20. India : Retreating Monsoon
21. India : Average Annual Rainfall
22. India : Natural Vegetation
23. India : Wildlife
24. India : Density of Population (2011)
25. India : Growth of Population (2001–2011)
26. India : Sex Ratio – 2011
27. India : Literacy Rate – 2011
28. India : Female Literacy Rate – 2011
29. India : Urban Population Map for Practice
30. Europe : Before the French Revolution in 1789 AD
31. France : Spread of the Great Fear
32. The French Revolution and Europe in 1810 AD
33. Europe in 1914 ad During the First World War
34. Germany after the Treaty of Versailles
35. The War Against Bolshevism
1918 – 1919 AD
36. Europe in 1942 AD : Expansion of the Nazi Power
37. The Communist Government in Europe After the Second World War
38. Forest Transformation in Indonesia
39. Pastoral Communities in India
40. Pastoral Communities in Africa
41. The Captain Swing Movement
1830 – 1832 AD
42. Enclosure of the Common Fields by Parliamentary Acts
43. Forests and Grasslands in usa before the Westward Expansion of the White Settlers
44. The Agricultural Belts in usa in 1920 AD
45. The Westward Expansion of the White Settlement
1775 AD
46. The Westward Expansion of the White Settlement
1830 AD
47. The Westward Expansion of the White Settlement
1850 AD
48. The Westward Expansion of the White Settlement
1920 AD
49. The Triangular Trade
50. Cricket and Colonialism
Map for Practice

Description :

My Amazing Book of Maps series is based on the latest prescribed curriculum of the Social scineces. The Series covers relevant and contemporary topics prescribed in the Social Scinece Textbooks of Classes 6th to 10th. Maps are an absolute necessary tool of a geographer. He needs them to understans events, facts and environmental themes. Today, maps have become absolutely essential not only for the study of Geography but also for other disciplines. Map reading will make children familiar, better informed and more disciplined students of tommorow. The series has been updated as per the NCF 2023.

My Amazing Book of Maps-10 [Navdeep Publications ]

ISBN NUMBER : 9788175692879 PRICE : ₹ 375

1. India : Political Divisions
2. India : Major Soil Types
3. India : Land Utilization
4. India : Forest Areas 2011
5. India : Wildlife
6. India : Major Rivers and Dams
7. India : River Basin
8. India : Means of Irrigation
9. India : Net Sown Area Under Irrigation
10. India : Intensity of Cropping - 2011
11. India : Deserts
12. India : Main Rice Produting Areas
13. India : Main Wheat Producting Areas
14. India : Sugarcane and Spices
15. India : Cotton
Jute and Rubber Producting Areas
16. India : Coffee
Tea and Tobacco Producting Areas
17. India : Coalfields
18. India : Oilfileds and Pipelines
19. India : Nuclear and Thermal Power Stations
20. India : Major Hydel Power Stations
21. India : Iron-ore Mines
22. India : Iron and Steel Plants
23. India : Other Minerals
24. India : Textile industries
25. India : Agro-based Industries
26. India : Forest-based Industries
27. India : Chemical
Cement and Fertilizer Industries
28. India : Transport Based Industries
29. India : Software Industries
30. India : Major Rail Routes
31. India : Golden Quadrilateral Railways Route
32. India : National Highway
33. India : National Highway Development Project
34. India : Major Air Routes
35. India : Major Seasports
36. India : Incidence of Poverty
37. Tsunami : The Killer Sea Waves
38. India : Seismic Zones
39. India : Major Earthquake
40. India : Flood Prone Areas
41. India : Major Landslides
42. India : Cyclones
Map for Practice
43. Europe after the Congress of Vienna 1815 AD
44. Habsburg Empire 1848 AD
45. Unificaiton of Germany 1866 - 1871 AD
46. Italian States before the Unification 1858 AD
47. Italian States after the Unification
48. Location of Indo-China
49. Nationalists Movements in Indo-China
50. The ho Chi Minh Trail
51. India : Main Centres of the Freedom Movements
52. India : Main Centres of the Freedom Movements 1857 AD
53. India : Main Centres of the Peasant Movements in Early 19th Century
54. India : Main Centres of the Tribal Movements in Early 19th Century
55. India : Main Centres of the Peasant & Workers Movements in the 20th Century
56. India : Main Centres of the Non-Cooperation Movement
57. India : Main Centres of the CIvil-Disobedience Movement
58. India : Main Centres Associated with the Indian Naitonal COngress 1885 -1947 AD
59. Colonical Africa at the End of the 19th Century
60. Independent Nations of Africa
61. The Trade Routes that Linked India to the World at the End of the 19th Century
62. Industrial Revolution in England 1780 - 1850 AD
63. India : Location of Large-Scale Industries 1931 AD
64. Growth of London (1600 - 1900 AD)
65. Bombay
Map for Practice

Description :

My Amazing Book of Maps series is based on the latest prescribed curriculum of the Social scineces. The Series covers relevant and contemporary topics prescribed in the Social Scinece Textbooks of Classes 6th to 10th. Maps are an absolute necessary tool of a geographer. He needs them to understans events, facts and environmental themes. Today, maps have become absolutely essential not only for the study of Geography but also for other disciplines. Map reading will make children familiar, better informed and more disciplined students of tommorow. The series has been updated as per the NCF 2023.