English, Chapter-1 The Crocodile's Toothache, Chapter-2 Louis Braille, Chapter-3 Pandora's Box, Chapter-4 Dear Mr. Examiner, Chapter-5 Determination, Chapter-6 The Irresponsible Prince, Chapter-7 I Saw A New World, Chapter-8 Miss Honey, Mathematics, Chapter-1 Perimeter, Area and Volume, Chapter-2 Measurements, Chapter-3 Money, Chapter-4 Percentage and Simple Interest, Chapter-5 Time, Speed and Distance, Chapter-6 Patterns, Chapter-7 Data Handling, Science, Chapter-1 Air and Water, Chapter-2 Natural Calamities or Disasters, Chapter-3 Changes in our Environment, Chapter-4 Rocks and Minerals, Chapter-5 Soil Erosion and Conservation, Chapter-6 States of Matter, Chapter-7 Force, Energy and Simple Machines, Social Studies, Chapter-1 Environmental Pollution, Chapter-2 Disposal of Solid Waste, Chapter-3 Natural Disasters, Chapter-4 Transport and Communication, Chapter-5 India At a Glance, Chapter-6 Coming of the British, Chapter-7 India Wins Freedom, Chapter-8 The United Nations, General Knowledge, Chapter-1 Brain Teasers, Chapter-2 Memory Record Holders, Chapter-3 Great Mathematicians of The World, Chapter-4 Anagrams, Chapter-5 Brain Drill, Chapter-6 Mixed Bag–I, Chapter-7 Inflating the Balloon Without Blowing Air, Chapter-8 Mama Can You Tell Me Why?, Chapter-9 Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Chapter-10 Test Paper–I, Chapter-11 The Dictionary of Science, Chapter-12 Deficiency Diseases, Chapter-13 Great Scientists of India, Chapter-14 Science Quiz, Chapter-15 Computer Terminology, Chapter-16 Tech–Savvy, Chapter-17 Spice Power, Chapter-18 The Famous IT Companies, Chapter-19 Journey Into Space, Chapter-20 Great Indian Personalities, Chapter-21 Rapid Fire Round, Chapter-22 The Superlatives!!!, Chapter-23 Guinness World Records, Chapter-24 Famous Books and Their Authors, Chapter-25 Nicknames of Famous People, Chapter-26 Historical Timeline of India, Chapter-27 Mixed Bag–II, Chapter-28 The Mysterious Funnel, Chapter-29 Mama Can You Tell Me Why?, Chapter-30 Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Chapter-31 Test Paper–II
My Ultimate Semester Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. The books cover core subjects–English, Mathematics, EVS / Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, and are written in such a way as to ensure a 360° development in learners.