English, Chapter-1 How Beautiful is the Rain, Chapter-2 Good Habits, Chapter-3 A Change of Heart, Chapter-4 All Things Round and Beautiful, Chapter-5 The cap Seller and The Monkey, Chapter-6 Frog at School, Chapter-7 Trees - Our True Friend, Chapter-8 Betty - The Barbie Doll, Mathematics, Chapter-1 The Whole and Its Parts, Chapter-2 Time, Chapter-3 Money, Chapter-4 Measurements, Chapter-5 Patterns, Chapter-6 Data Handing, Environmental Studies, Chapter-1 Amazing Body, Chapter-2 Plant Around Us, Chapter-3 Animals Around Us, Chapter-4 Food We Eat, Chapter-5 Our Earth Our Home, Chapter-6 Air Around Us, Chapter-7 Need of Water, Chapter-8 Weather and Seasons, Chapter-9 Direction and Time, General Knowledge, Chapter-1 Flowers in My Garden, Chapter-2 Gifts From Plants, Chapter-3 Helpful Animals, Chapter-4 The Wild Quiz, Chapter-5 Animal Sounds, Chapter-6 Fun On the Beach, Chapter-7 Seasons and Clothes, Chapter-8 Landforms On Earth, Chapter-9 Our Sky, Brain Gym, The Wise Owl Speaks, Obey Your Parents, Tell me MORE, Chapter-10 Popular Sports, Chapter-11 Famous Sportspersons, Chapter-12 Fairy Tale Characters, Chapter-13 Animals in Stories and Rhymes, Chapter-14 Musical Instruments, Chapter-15 Find My Partner, Chapter-16 Computer Whizkids, Brain Gym, The Wise Owl Speaks, The Magic Pot, Test Paper, Mental Ability Exercise
My Ultimate Semester Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. The books cover core subjects–English, Mathematics, EVS / Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, and are written in such a way as to ensure a 360° development in learners.