My Amazing Book of EVS Book-4

ISBN Number: 

Unit 1: Me and My Family, Chapter-1 My Body My Treasure!, Chapter-2 Changes in Families, Chapter-3 Wonderful Babies, Chapter-4 Our Senses, Unit 2: Our Needs, Chapter-5 The Food We Eat, Chapter-6 Water for Life, Chapter-7 Play Time, Leisure Time, Unit 3: Our Surroundings, Chapter-8 Housing and Waste Management, Chapter-9 Buildings and Bridges, Chapter-10 People and Their Occupations, Chapter-11 Directions and Maps, Unit 4: Natural World, Chapter-12 Our Green Friends, Chapter-13 Our Animal Friends, Chapter-14 Tongue, Teeth, Beaks and Claws, Chapter-15 Water, Air and Weather, Unit 5: Transport & Communication, Chapter-16 Travel and Communication, Unit 6: Incredible India, Chapter-17 Our Country, Our World


My Amazing Book of EVS (1 to 5) is a carefully crafted series of illustrated textbooks, based on the syllabus issued by the latest NCERT National Curriculum Framework-2023 strictly as per the guidelines under NEP 2020. The series uses a holistic approach which serves to raise a child’s sensitivity, concern and awareness towards her/his environment.
