English, Chapter-1 The Little Plant, Chapter-2 Active Aditi, Chapter-3 Clever Freddy, Chapter-4 Unity is Strength, Chapter-5 In the Mirror, Chapter-6 Forgetful Sid, Chapter-7 Robbie The Rabbit, Chapter-8 Sharing and Caring, Mathematics, Chapter-1 Basic Shapes and Patterns, Chapter-2 Repeated Addition and Multiplication, Chapter-3 Time, Chapter-4 Money, Chapter-5 Measurements, Chapter-6 Spatial Sense, Chapter-7 Handling Data, Environmental Studies, Chapter-1 Food For Health, Chapter-2 Our Festivals, Chapter-3 Travelling to Places, Chapter-4 Always Be Safe, Chapter-5 Plants Around Us, Chapter-6 Animals Kingdom, Chapter-7 Things Around Us, Chapter-8 Seasons, Chapter-9 Gifts of Nature, General Knowledge, Chapter-1 Our Country India, Chapter-2 Our National Heroes, Chapter-3 Our Food, Chapter-4 Our Festivals, Chapter-5 Our Monuments, Brain Gym, Chapter-6 Indoor or Outdoor, Chapter-7 Popular Sports, Chapter-8 Our Sporting Heroes, Chapter-9 Different Balls, Chapter-10 Musical Instruments, Chapter-11 Lovable Cartoons, Chapter-12 One or Many, Chapter-13 Famous Fairy Tales, Brain Gym, Chapter-14 Removing Obstacles, Test paper, Activity Time
My Ultimate Semester Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. The books cover core subjects–English, Mathematics, EVS / Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, and are written in such a way as to ensure a 360° development in learners.