English, Chapter-1 When Mummy Went To Town, Chapter-2 The Ethiopian Slave, Chapter-3 A Present for Mother, Chapter-4 The Old Car Tyre, Chapter-5 How were the Stars and Moon Made, Chapter-6 Monty Moth Moves House, Chapter-7 The Tease, Chapter-8 Unity in Diversity, Mathematics, Chapter-1 Numbers Upto 10,000, Chapter-2 Addition, Chapter-3 Subtraction, Chapter-4 Multiplication, Chapter-5 Division, Chapter-6 Fractions, Science, Chapter-1 Living and Non-living Things, Chapter-2 Plants, Chapter-3 Feeding Habits of Animals, Chapter-4 Birds and Their Ways, Chapter-5 Our Body and Organ Systems, Chapter-6 Our Houses and Clothes, Chapter-7 Safety and First Aid, Social Studies, Chapter-1 Our Universe, Chapter-2 Earth Our Planet, Chapter-3 Continents and Oceans, Chapter-4 Globes and Maps, Chapter-5 India: Physical Features-I, Chapter-6 India: Physical Features-II, Chapter-7 The Story of Early Man, Chapter-8 Our Food and Clothes, Chapter-9 Celebration Time, General Knowledge, Chapter-1 Famous Cities of India, Chapter-2 Countries and Cities, Chapter-3 Great Indian Personalities, Chapter-4 Plant Life, Chapter-5 Colourful Birds and their Beaks, Chapter-6 Know Your Animals, Chapter-7 Meet the Planets, Chapter-8 Sharpen Your Memory, Chapter-9 A Class Apart, Chapter-10 Fun with Numbers!, Chapter-11 Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Chapter-12 The Wise Owl Speaks, Chapter-13 Story Time!, Chapter-14 Mama Can You Tell Me Why?, Chapter-15 Test Paper
My Ultimate Semester Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. The books cover core subjects–English, Mathematics, EVS / Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, and are written in such a way as to ensure a 360° development in learners.