Good English Grammar & Composition - 5


1-Grammar-The Sentence, The Noun, The Pronoun, The Adjective, The Verb, Tenses, Voice of the Verb, Concord:Subject-Verb Agreement, The Adverb, The Article, Prepositions, Conjunctions, 2-Word Power-Word-Formation, Words That Sound Alike (Homonyms), Words Showing Collection, Expressing Comparison, 3-Writing Skills-Letter Writing, Paragraph Writing & Longer Compositions, Story Writing, Reading Comprehension, Let's Revise, Appendix


Good English Grammar and Composition is a series of graded books, intended to familiarize the students from Class I to VIII with the essentials of correct usage of English language. Besides, the series is graded to equip the growing learner to write and communicate effectively in English.