Good English Grammar & Composition - 8


1-Grammar-The Sentence, The Noun, The Pronoun, The Adjective, The Verb, Tenses, Modal Auxiliaries, Active and Passive Voice, The Adverb, Simple, Compound, Complex Sentnces, Synthesis, Transformation of Sentences, Change of Speech, Punctuation, Prepositions, 2-Word Power-Word Formation, Word often Confused, Idioms and Phrases, 3-Composition (Writing Skills)-Letter Writing, Short Composition, Extended Composition, Reading Comprehension, Let's Revise, Appendix


Good English Grammar and Composition is a series of graded books, intended to familiarize the students from Class I to VIII with the essentials of correct usage of English language. Besides, the series is graded to equip the growing learner to write and communicate effectively in English.