Part I, 1. A Prayer, 2. Our Creator, 3. Omnipotent-God, 4. Our Plants, 5. Our Animals, 6. Love of Human Beings, 7. Good Use of Our Body, 8. People Who Help, 9. Helping Others, 10. Good Habits, 11. Sharing-Give and Take, 12. Say 'Sorry', 13. Obedience, 14. Kindness, 15. Good Manners, 16. Be Neat and Clean, 17. Some Good Rules, Part II, The Art of Talking, Smart Ways! Correct Ways!, How to Sit, Manners of Walking, Some Etiquette in the Class
The Golden Light (1-10) - The sole objective of this series has been to awaken in children the sense of right and wrong, good and evil through didactic stories, anecdotes and incidents from life to get the message home as the stories always bear a practical moral. Part II of the book systematically elaborates on proper Etiquette, Manners and also Personality Development which aim at fostering the basis of good grooming and upright personality of the children.