Chapter-1 Tortoise, Chapter-2 Duck, Chapter-3 Dolphin, Chapter-4 An Umbrella, Chapter-5 Peacock, Chapter-6 Tiger, Chapter-7 Lion, Chapter-8 A Dog, Chapter-9 Dinosaurus, Chapter-10 Cat, Chapter-11 Lock and Key, Chapter-12 Table lamp, Chapter-13 Aeroplane, Chapter-14 Ship, Chapter-15 Christmas tree, Chapter-16 Angel, Chapter-17 Birthday cake, Chapter-18 Caterpillar, Chapter-19 Snake, Chapter-20 Ice cream, Chapter-21 Balls, Chapter-22 Landscape, Chapter-23 Lady bug, Chapter-24 Flowers, Chapter-25 Truck, Chapter-26 Sweet home, Chapter-27 Butterfly, Chapter-28 A boy
My Amazing Book of Art and Activity is a fascinating series of books that provides an intense blend of Art and craft activities to let young children improve their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. The Art section of each book starts with simple drawing and colouring activities. The craft section includes activities that let the children work with various materials easily available in their surroundings.