The Ultimate Term Book -4 (Term-III)

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English, Chapter-1 The Clothes Line, Chapter-2 Best Gift for Mother, Chapter-3 How the Sea Became Salty, Chapter-4 Five Little Brothers, Chapter-5 Akbar Learns A Lesson, Chapter-6 The ‘Sweet’ Smile, Mathematics, Chapter-1 Perimeter and Area, Chapter-2 Measurements, Chapter-3 Time, Chapter-4 Money, Chapter-5 Data Handling, Science, Chapter-1 Weather, Sun, Air and Water, Chapter-2 Green Earth, Chapter-3 States of Matter, Chapter-4 Work, Force and Energy, Social Studies, Chapter-1 Our Industries, Chapter-2 Transport, Chapter-3 Means of Communication, Chapter-4 Our Rich Cultural and Heritage, Chapter-5 Our Nation Builders, Chapter-6 Elections and Our Government,


The Ultimate Term Book is a series of books for classes 1 to 5 based on the integrated approach to learning. They have been written by educations with vast experience and knowledge. The books cover three terms in each academic year imparting basic literacy scientific, numerical literacy, visual literacy, environment literacy and cross-curriculum skills to inculcate self-learning ability in young learners.
