1-Integers, 2-Fractions, 3-Decimals, 4-Relational Numbers, 5-Exponents and Powers, 6-Algebraic Expressions, 7-Linear Equations in One Variable, 8-Lines and angles, 9-The Triangle and its Properties, 10-Congruence of Triangles, 11-Practical Geometry, 12-Comparing Quantities, 13-Applications of Percentage, 14-Mensuration, 15-Visualising Solid Shapes, 16-Data Handling, 17-Symmetry, Answers
The Ultimate in Mathematics is a series of 8 carefully graded textbooks that comes as a part of 'The Ultimate in Mathematics' package. It incorporates the guidelines of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and meets the requirements of the NCERT Syllabus. Salient features of the series are: -The contents of the series are in compliance with the latest trends in the teaching of mathematics. -Based on the 'Do and Learn' methodology. -Warm Up and Review Exercises in each chapter.