Chapter-1 About Networking, Chapter-2 Wireless and Cloud Technologies, Chapter-3 Microsoft Office Access, Chapter-4 Forms, Queries and Reports, Chapter-5 Tables and Hyperlinks in HTML, Chapter-6 Starting Visual Basic, Chapter-7 Programs using Controls & Properties, Chapter-8 Working in Photoshop, Chapter-9 More in Photoshop, Chapter-10 Internet Telephony and More, Chapter-11 Cyber Threats and Protection, Chapter-12 Cyber Legal Issues, Windows 8 Update, MS Office 2010 Update, MS Office PowerPoint 2010 Update, MS Office Word, Excel 2010 Update, MS Office Word 2013 Update, MS Office PowerPoint & Excel 2013 Update
Gateway to Windows (1-8) is a futuristic computer series. The distinguishing feature of this series is its active learning approach. Each chapter includes step-by-step visual representation of the process involved in performing different tasks, solved project for extra practice and quiz & activities to facilitate on the spot assessment.