Chapter-1 Peripheral Devices, Chapter-2 Funcations and Manipulation in Excel, Chapter-3 Charts in Excel, Chapter-4 Learning HTML, Chapter-5 Lists and Images in HTML, Chapter-6 More on Flash, Chapter-7 Working with Buttons and Movie Clip, Chapter-8 Working in Photoshop, Chapter-9 Introduction to Python, Chapter 10 Conditions in Python, Chapter-11 Internet Applications and Cyber Safety
The Brain Game is a series of books for classes 1 to 8. The books have been written by educationalists having vast experience and knowledge in computer field. Books carry large number of activities, projects and other features which provide wholesome knowledge to the learners. The specialised worksheets have been developed so as to test the comprehension of the learners effectively. The Brain Game is a complete learner-teacher tool for learners to learn and teachers to teach with.