Log on to Information Technology Book-10


Unit 1: Functional English (Intermediate), Session 1: Ordering Food at a Restaurant, Session 2: Making Resolutions, Session 3: Talking About Change, Session 4: Planning an Outing, Session 5: Narrating a Story, Session 6: Describing a Known Place, Session 7: Giving Directions, Session 8: Describing an Event, Session 9: Recounting an Experience, Session 10: Finding a Place to Stay, Session 11: Saying ‘No’, Session 12: Describing a Lost Item, Session 13: Appreciating Someone, Session 14: Attending a Phone Call, Session 15: Giving Instructions, Session 16: Registering a Complaint, Session 17: Calling Up to Find About a Job Vacancy, Session 18: Writing a Resume, Session 19: Writing a Covering Letter, Session 20: Facing an Interview, Session 21: Taking a Telephonic Interview, Session 22: Accepting a Job Offer, Unit 2: Web Applications (Basic), Session 1: Working with Accessibility Options, Session 2: Networking Fundamentals, Session 3: Introduction to Instant Messaging, Session 4: Chatting with a Contact – Google Talk, Session 5: Creating and Publishing Web Pages – Blog, Session 6: Using Offline Blog Editors, Session 7: Online Transactions, Session 8: Internet Security, Unit 3: Word Processing (Intermediate), Session 1: Modifying Layout of a Paragraph, Session 2: Managing Headers, Session 3: Managing Footers, Session 4: Managing Styles, Session 5: Document Template, Session 6: Working with Page and Section Breaks, Session 7: Inserting Graphical Objects and Illustrations, Session 8: Text Wrapping, Session 9: Inserting Objects, Session 10: Insert Shapes, Symbols and Special Characters, Unit 4: Spreadsheet (Intermediate), Session 1: Using Autosum in Cells, Session 2: Conditional Formatting, Session 3: Hide/Unhide/Freeze Rows and Columns, Session 4: Set Page Breaks, Session 5: Set Page Layout, Session 6: Manage Workbook Views, Session 7: Apply Cell and Range Names, Session 8: Create, Modify and Format Charts, Session 9: Sort and Filter Data, Session 10: Calculate and Link Data Across Worksheets, Unit 5: Digital Presentation (Intermediate), Session 1: Inserting a Movie Clip, Session 2: Inserting an Audio Clip, Session 3: Working with Tables, Session 4: Working with Charts, Session 5: Inserting Transitions, Session 6: Adding Animations, Session 7: Grouping Objects, Session 8: Inserting Speaker Notes, Session 9: Reviewing Content, Session 10: Preparing to Deliver a Presentation, Session 11: Print a Presentation, Unit 6: Email Messaging, Session 1: Working with Calendar, Session 2: Schedule an Appointment, Session 3: Categorize an Appointment, Session 4: Sharing a Calendar, Session 5: Printing a Calendar, Session 6: Create a Meeting Request or Appointment, Session 7: Respond to a Meeting Request, Session 8: Create and Edit a Task, Session 9: Create and Edit a Note, Session 10: Create and Edit a Journal Entry, Unit 7: Database Development (Basic), Session 1: Database Concepts, Session 2: Data Storage, Session 3: Manipulating Data, Session 4: Creating a Database Object, Session 5: Creating a Table, Session 6: Building Forms, Session 7: Create and Manage Queries, Session 8: Design Reports


Log on to Information Technology-Level 1 & 2 is a series that completely confirms to the guidelines and syllabus issued by the National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF), National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) and CBSE. It aims to train the students in practical aspects of information technology and imparts them with skills to help them efficiently work in an office with minimal training.